The longer you have had the toenail fungal infection, the more likely it becomes that shedding spores (that have the potential to sprout a new fungus infection) are collecting inside your shoes.
Some patients are so afraid of getting a re-infection from the toenail fungus,that they will get rid of the old shoes and buy all new shoes. This isn't really necessary.
Another strategy is to wash the shoes in hot water. Washing your shoes in hot water is not really a great idea as this would obviously ruin most shoes. There are other ways you can get the fungus out of your shoes.
One way to get rid of the fungus in your shoes is to spray the inside of your shoes thoroughly with a disinfectant spray like Lysol. Be prepared for the shoes to smell like Lysol. Make sure you dry the shoes completely before wearing.
Another less noxious option is to kill of of the fungus and fungal spores with an in-shoe ultraviolet sanitizing light, like the Steri-Shoe ultraviolet sanitizer. UV light is toxic to fungus, killing live fungus and spores that collect inside your shoes. Using a Steri-Shoe ultraviolet sanitizer will reduce the risk of becoming re-infected with toe fungus after you have cured the fungus infection with the laser nail fungus treatment.
Dr. Christopher Segler, DPM is Board Certified, American Board of Podiatric Medicine. He believes the best podiatry practice combines cutting edge technology with the old-school convenience of house calls. He makes podiatry house calls for young active adults who want to get rid of their funky toenails as quickly as possibly. He brings the laser to homes and offices in San Bruno, Emeryville and San Francisco. If you have a question about fungal toenail laser treatment, you can reach him directly at 415-308-0833.